The use of digital tools to have an extra help in poker games is something normalized and, in some cases, even indispensable. But the legal regulations have certain opaque areas and that is something that limits the use of these tools, so before you start using them, we recommend that you find out about the policies of each platform in relation to the use of support software to play poker.
In this post we have compiled some of the best poker softwares according to their purpose and game types. Find out which one is the best according to your playing preferences!
Best poker training software

You will probably want to make use of a rookie support program when you have little experience playing poker and intend to improve. And here we have the same question: what is the best poker training software? Well, the first thing we recommend is that you check that the poker platform where you are going to play does not have its own software for training, because if this is the case, you don’t need to look any further.
Making use of the software integrated in the platform streamlines the whole process of accessing and searching for games to improve your game, unifying your search criteria. If the place where you are going to play online poker does not have its own software, or if you are looking for a training program that allows you to polish your game for live games, it is better to search separately. And here programs like Hold’em Manager or Flopzilla come into play, to measure statistics and help you in the calculations according to the situation of the cards on the table.
Best online poker software

Hold’em Manager is considered by many as the best online poker software you can find. It is very complete, provides two different types of data (HUD and reports), and helps to make an “in-game” reading of the game.
You have other equally feasible alternatives, but if you want to play it safe or familiarize yourself with one of the best poker programs to keep your online games under control, we recommend you try it. It is updated recurrently and has everything you need to improve your online game.
Best poker HUD software

Poker Copilot is one of the best poker HUD software of all time. It runs well and is designed to show you the essential information of the game in real time, helping you to make a proper reading of what is happening and putting in front of you all the strategic range available for you to improve your decision making.
HUDs, although they fulfill the function of advanced viewers, also have limited use according to platforms and regions, but they can be a good assistant to help you outline data, to have visual references to have the essential information of the game located and to help you improve your calculations and forecasts.
Best poker tournament software

Here it depends on whether we are talking about playing tournaments or organizing them. If you want to play live or online poker tournaments a software is a must. Any of the assistants we have mentioned above can help you. But when it comes to organizing poker tournaments, things change. And here Poker Tournament Supervisor 2, one of the best poker softwares ever launched, can be of great help to you to adjust all the parameters of this poker tournament software.
Who could be interested in this assistant? Either the platforms in charge of offering these services, or online poker fans who have created their own poker club and want to go a step further in the tournaments they offer to their community. And this is important for those who want to give a boost to their club and position it well within the network to which it belongs, so it can be a good option if you notice that you do not hit the key when it comes to offering good poker tournaments to those who have joined your club.
Best poker odds calculator software

The most sensible thing to do when looking for an assistant to help you with odds and outs calculations is to resort to a separate software that handles all these numbers. Because the calculators integrated in the assistants have the basics to get you out of trouble, but there are professional calculators that can be very helpful to make a very refined odds calculation.
Math4All is a highly recommended poker odds calculator software, as well as Pokerbility. They can even calculate the odds of the hand with probabilities, besides analyzing the differences in the decisions according to probabilities.
The best of all is that they can be used in a complementary way with other assistants, to establish more reliable data according to the situation you live in every moment during the game. And it will also help you to manage with several tools at the same time, since multitasking is essential to improve in online poker and working on several fronts will make you a better player.