In higher level poker competitions, especially knockout tournaments, buy-in prices are sometimes above the threshold of what a player can afford. And it is that the first challenge of the players who want to participate in these tournaments is to get a place in them.
That place can be achieved by playing a qualifying game. The ranking of players is established following the order of rewards obtained, and when the quota is full, a list is left with those who have not managed to enter. These players have the opportunity to resort to satellite tournaments, additional competitions that allow access to these tournaments without having to pay the full buy-in.
In this post, we will find out what is a satellite in poker, how to play satellite poker tournaments and what are the rewards for winning them.
What is a satellite in poker?

In poker, satellites are tournaments where the main prizes are tickets to other bigger tournaments. Some also offer cash prizes as an extra for playing.
Players who win these satellites receive entry to the Main Event, the main tournament that allows them to compete alongside the rest of the qualifiers who have paid the full buy-in. Through a satellite tournament, players can access saving a good pinch in the payment of the fee.
Normally, those who dispute the satellite tournaments are players who either cannot afford to pay the entry fee directly, or who have been disqualified in the first qualifier.
Like the main tournaments, the satellites are played in different modalities and formats. To give consistency to the game, it is usual for the satellite tournament that acts as a springboard to the main tournament to share a game mode with it.
How to play satellite poker tournaments

There are several aspects that you should take into account when playing in a satellite tournament. Let’s see:
- Select the appropriate tournament. It is basic so that you can function well in the game. The satellite tournament you play must meet your search criteria: modality, format and reward are points that you must check before entering.
- Stick to the format. Before you formalize your registration to a satellite, you must understand what its format is. There are satellites for all tastes: single table (SNG satellite tournaments) or multi-table. And watch out for the rewards: while some satellites only offer one ticket to a specific tournament, others award winners with tickets that allow entry into multiple tournaments. Take a look at all this.
- Be patient and don’t forget the main objective. Satellites are tournaments that tend to evolve aggressively, due to the enormous pressure on players. Therefore, you should focus your efforts on the main objective: getting the ticket for the main tournament. Everything else is plenty.
- Wait for mistakes. Just because of that tremendous pressure that the players suffer, who are risking the pass to the tournament or going home, the errors will begin to accumulate. Hence, being patient always pays off in a satellite. Many times, the one who makes the fewest mistakes wins, and if it’s you, you’ll be very well positioned to win the ticket to the main tournament.
- Tend to play aggressive. But not before time. Being conservative in a satellite penalizes a lot, but being too aggressive is not favorable to your interests either. You will only have to change gear in the last streets.
Satellite poker tournaments strategy

Although satellite tournaments are somewhat peculiar poker competitions, the strategy is based on the same key points. Bankroll management is a vital point to guarantee your survival in the tournament, as well as your ability to adapt the game to the dynamics of the game, pressure tolerance and flexibility.
Being good at BRM (bankroll management) is essential in any satellite poker tournaments strategy, especially considering that the game will soon demand a powerful aggressive touch. Base your bankroll management on choosing tournaments that do not compromise yours. Also, if you branch out and participate in several satellites, your chances will multiply.
You will have to be very attentive to theft opportunities. As the satellite progresses, the blinds go up and stealing them becomes an increasingly attractive option. You should identify the most conservative players, and those who are waiting for a premium hand to start playing. Building stacks with little resistance will be key in many satellites.
One of the critical phases of satellites is the bubble. This is the time immediately before the entries are given, because many players tend to become extremely cautious in order to secure their position in the overall. Therefore, you should think about aggressive play if you have a comfortable stack.